2 word phrases for leadership
2 word phrases for leadership

2 word phrases for leadership

Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected. Theodore Rooseveltīe a yardstick of quality. Speak softly and carry a big stick you will go far. People who enjoy meetings should not be in charge of anything. The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers. Well, I think that – I think leadership’s always been about two main things: imagination and courage. Ronald ReaganĮverything rises and falls on leadership. When you can’t make them see the light, make them feel the heat. The real leader has no need to lead – he is content to point the way. You don’t lead by hitting people over the head – that’s assault, not leadership. Leadership is about being a servant first. Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them.

2 word phrases for leadership 2 word phrases for leadership

Martin Luther King, Jr.ĭifferent times need different types of leadership. Stephen CoveyĪ genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus. It’s one where everyone is entrepreneurial and proactive. Simon SinekĪ leadership culture is one where everyone thinks like an owner, a CEO or a managing director. If a window of opportunity appears, don’t pull down the shade. Henry FordĪ man always has two reasons for doing anything: a good reason and the real reason. The name of the game is to lead without a title. Leadership is not a popularity contest it’s about leaving your ego at the door. Leadership is not about the next election, it’s about the next generation. High expectations are the key to everything. The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been. Paul Hawkenĭoing is a quantum leap from imagining. Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them. Leadership does not depend on being right. Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. It is not an opportunity to satisfy personal greed. Leadership is a privilege to better the lives of others. Leadership is about nurturing and enhancing. Management is about arranging and telling. If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right. The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership. I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples. The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves. The art of leadership is saying no, not saying yes. Peter DruckerĪ man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd. Management is doing things right leadership is doing the right things. Go as far as you can see when you get there, you’ll be able to see farther. Leadership is working with goals and vision management is working with objectives. No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit for doing it.

2 word phrases for leadership

To handle yourself, use your head to handle others, use your heart. If you command wisely, you’ll be obeyed cheerfully. Strong convictions precede great actions. The greatest gift of leadership is a boss who wants you to be successful. Lead from the back and let others believe they are in front. I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion. People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles but today it means getting along with people. People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision. Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and in actions. When the best leader’s work is done the people say, ‘We did it ourselves.’ Lao TzuĪ good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit. Here are some short but inspiring quotes about leadership that will encourage you to be a better leader (or get inspired if you’re already leading): Short Leadership Quotes Of course, depending on ‘what’ you are leading, there will be different qualities and experience, however certain qualities such as honesty, integrity, knowledge, focus and confidence are generally considered to be characteristics of successful leaders. They create an environment where everyone feels valued-and personal morale is high. Good leaders are people who believe in their own potential and they can inspire others to do the same. Whether you lead a huge organization, a community group, a small team, yourself, a nation or a household, it’s always interesting to consider the qualities that make a great leader and why. This inspiring collection of short quotes is all about leadership.

2 word phrases for leadership